Cheap International Phone Calls from the UK landline with Planet Numbers
Make cheap international phone calls from your landline with Planet Numbers by calling access numbers and then dial your international destination. You pay your existing landline phone provider for the call to Planet Numbers access number and will get no bill from them.
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1. Dial low cost access number for your destination
2. At the prompt dial the international phone number starting with "00" and destination number (your international destination telephnone number).
3. Your international call's low rate will then be conveniently charged to your current phone bill.
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1. Select your Destination from dropdown 2. Dial Access Number and then destination number 3. Start talking:
Afghanistan |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Afghanistan mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Albania |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Albania mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Algeria |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Algeria mobile |
20.4 |
0913 152 2211 |
Andorra |
1.5 |
0843 716 2211 |
Andorra mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Angola |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Angola mobile |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Anguilla |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Anguilla mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Antigua Barbuda |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Antigua Barbuda mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Argentina |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
Argentina mobile |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Armenia |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Armenia mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Aruba |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Aruba mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Australia |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Australia mobile |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
AustraliaChristmas Island |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Austria |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Austria mobile |
2.5 |
0843 718 2211 |
Azerbaijan |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Azerbaijan mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Bahamas |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Bahamas mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Bahrain |
2.5 |
0843 718 2211 |
Bahrain mobile |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Bangladesh |
2.5 |
0843 718 2211 |
Bangladesh mobile |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
Barbados |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Barbados mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Belarus |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Belarus mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Belgium |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Belgium mobile |
3 |
0843 719 2211 |
Belize |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Belize mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Benin |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Benin mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Bermuda |
2.5 |
0843 718 2211 |
Bermuda mobile |
2 |
0843 719 2211 |
Bhutan |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Bhutan mobile |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Bolivia |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Bolivia mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina mobile |
20.4 |
0913 152 2211 |
Botswana |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Botswana mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Brazil |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Brazil mobile |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Brunei |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Brunei mobile |
1.5 |
0843 716 2211 |
Bulgaria |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
Bulgaria mobile |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Burkina Faso |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Burkina Faso mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Burundi |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Burundi mobile |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Cambodia |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
Cambodia mobile |
3 |
0843 719 2211 |
Cameroon |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Cameroon mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Canada |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Canada mobile |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Cape Verde Islands |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Cape Verde Islands mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Cayman Islands |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Cayman Islands mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Central African Rep |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Central African Rep mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Chad |
20.4 |
0913 152 2211 |
Chad mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Chile |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Chile mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
China |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
China mobile |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Cocos Keeling Island |
1.5 |
0843 716 2211 |
Colombia |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
Colombia mobile |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Comoros |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Comoros mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Congo |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Congo Dem Rep |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Congo Dem Rep mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Congo mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Cook Island mobile |
51.1 |
0913 158 2211 |
Cook Islands |
51.1 |
0913 158 2211 |
Costa Rica |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Costa Rica mobile |
3 |
0843 719 2211 |
Croatia |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Croatia mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Cuba |
61.3 |
0913 159 2211 |
Cyprus |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Cyprus mobile |
3 |
0843 719 2211 |
Czech Republic |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Czech Republic mobile |
3 |
0843 719 2211 |
Denmark |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Denmark mobile |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Djibouti |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Djibouti mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Dominica |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Dominica mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Dominican Republic |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
Dominican Republic mobile |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
East Timor |
61.3 |
0913 159 2211 |
Ecuador |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Ecuador mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Egypt |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Egypt mobile |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
El Salvador |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
El Salvador mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Equatorial Guinea |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Eritrea |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Eritrea mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Estonia |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Estonia mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Ethiopia |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Ethiopia mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Falkland Islands |
61.3 |
0913 159 2211 |
Faroe Islands |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Faroe Islands mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Fiji |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Fiji mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Finland |
2.5 |
0843 718 2211 |
Finland mobile |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
France |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
France mobile |
2.5 |
0843 718 2211 |
French Guiana |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
French Guiana mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
French Polynesia |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
French Polynesia mobile |
20.4 |
0913 152 2211 |
Gabon |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Gabon mobile |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Gambia |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Gambia mobile |
30.6 |
0913 304 2211 |
Georgia |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Georgia mobile |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Germany |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Germany mobile |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
Ghana |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Ghana mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Gibraltar |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
Gibraltar mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Greece |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Greece mobile |
2.5 |
0843 718 2211 |
Greenland |
35.7 |
0913 155 2211 |
Grenada |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Grenada mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Guadeloupe |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Guadeloupe mobile |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Guam |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Guatemala |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Guatemala mobile |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Guinea |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Guinea Bissau |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Guinea Bissau mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Guinea mobile |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Guyana |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Guyana mobile |
20.4 |
0913 152 2211 |
Haiti |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Haiti mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Honduras |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Honduras mobile |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Hong Kong |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Hong Kong mobile |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Hungary |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Hungary mobile |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Iceland |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Iceland mobile |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
India |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
India mobile |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Indonesia |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Indonesia mobile |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Iran |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Iran mobile |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Iraq |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Iraq mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Ireland |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Ireland mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Israel |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Israel mobile |
2.5 |
0843 718 2211 |
Italy |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Italy mobile |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Ivory Coast |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Ivory Coast mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Jamaica |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Jamaica mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Japan |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
Japan mobile |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Jordan |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Jordan mobile |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Kazakhstan |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Kazakhstan mobile |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Kenya |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Kenya mobile |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Kiribati |
40.9 |
0913 156 2211 |
Kosovo |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Kuwait |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Kuwait mobile |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Kyrgyzstan |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Kyrgyzstan mobile |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Laos |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Latvia |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Latvia mobile |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Lebanon |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Lebanon mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Lesotho |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Lesotho mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Liberia |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Liberia mobile |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Libya |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Libya mobile |
20.4 |
0913 152 2211 |
Liechtenstein |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Liechtenstein mobile |
40.9 |
0913 156 2211 |
Lithuania |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Lithuania mobile |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Luxembourg |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Luxembourg mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Macao |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Macao mobile |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Macedonia |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Macedonia mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Madagascar |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Madagascar mobile |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Malawi |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Malawi mobile |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Malaysia |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Malaysia mobile |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Maldives |
51.1 |
0913 158 2211 |
Maldives mobile |
51.1 |
0913 158 2211 |
Mali |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Mali mobile |
20.4 |
0913 152 2211 |
Malta |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Malta mobile |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Marshall Islands |
20.4 |
0913 152 2211 |
Martinique |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Martinique mobile |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Mauritania |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Mauritania mobile |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Mauritius |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Mauritius mobile |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Mayotte |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Mayotte mobile |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Mexico |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Mexico mobile |
2.5 |
0843 718 2211 |
Micronesia |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Moldova |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Moldova mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Monaco |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Monaco mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Mongolia |
3 |
0843 719 2211 |
Mongolia mobile |
3 |
0843 719 2211 |
Montenegro |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Montenegro mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Montserrat |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Montserrat mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Morocco |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Morocco mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Mozambique |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Mozambique mobile |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Myanmar |
20.4 |
0913 152 2211 |
Myanmar mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Namibia |
3 |
0843 719 2211 |
Namibia mobile |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Nauru |
61.3 |
0913 159 2211 |
Nauru mobile |
61.3 |
0913 159 2211 |
Nepal |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Nepal mobile |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Netherlands |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Netherlands Antilles |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Netherlands Antilles mobile |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Netherlands mobile |
3 |
0843 718 2211 |
New Caledonia |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
New Zealand |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
New Zealand mobile |
3 |
0843 719 2211 |
Nicaragua |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Nicaragua mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Niger |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Niger mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Nigeria |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Nigeria mobile |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Niue Islands |
None |
n/a |
North Cyprus |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
North Cyprus mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
North Korea |
46 |
0913 157 2211 |
Northern Marianas |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
Norway |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Norway mobile |
3 |
0843 719 2211 |
Oman |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Oman mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Pakistan |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Pakistan mobile |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Palau |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Palestine |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Palestine mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Panama |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Panama mobile |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Papua New Guinea |
46 |
0913 157 2211 |
Paraguay |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
Paraguay mobile |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Peru |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Peru mobile |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Philippines |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Philippines mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Poland |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Poland mobile |
3 |
0843 719 2211 |
Portugal |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Portugal mobile |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
Puerto Rico |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Qatar |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Qatar mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Reunion |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Reunion mobile |
5 |
0872 562 2211 |
Romania |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Romania mobile |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Russia |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Russia mobile |
3 |
0843 719 2211 |
Rwanda |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Rwanda mobile |
20.4 |
0913 152 2211 |
Samoa |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Samoa American |
2.5 |
0843 718 2211 |
Samoa American mobile |
2.5 |
0843 718 2211 |
Samoa mobile |
35.7 |
0913 155 2211 |
San Marino |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
San Marino mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Sao Tome and Principe |
61.3 |
0913 159 2211 |
Sao Tome and Principe mobile |
61.3 |
0913 159 2211 |
Saudi Arabia |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Saudi Arabia mobile |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Senegal |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Senegal mobile |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Serbia |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Serbia mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Seychelles |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Seychelles mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Sierra Leone |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Sierra Leone mobile |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Singapore |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Singapore mobile |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Slovakia |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Slovakia mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Slovenia |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Slovenia mobile |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Solomon Islands |
76.6 |
0913 160 2211 |
Somalia |
35.7 |
0913 155 2211 |
Somalia mobile |
35.7 |
0913 155 2211 |
South Africa |
1.5 |
0843 716 2211 |
South Africa mobile |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
South Korea |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
South Korea mobile |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
South Sudan |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
South Sudan mobile |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Spain |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Spain mobile |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Sri Lanka |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Sri Lanka mobile |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
St Helena |
76.6 |
0913 160 2211 |
St Kitts and Nevis |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
St Kitts and Nevis mobile |
20.4 |
0913 152 2211 |
St Lucia |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
St Lucia mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
St Pierre and Miquelon |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
St Pierre and Miquelon mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
St Vincent Grenadines |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
St Vincent Grenadines mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Sudan |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Sudan mobile |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Suriname |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Suriname mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Swaziland |
3 |
0843 719 2211 |
Swaziland mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Sweden |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Sweden mobile |
2 |
0843 717 2211 |
Switzerland |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Switzerland mobile |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Syria |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Syria mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Taiwan |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Taiwan mobile |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Tajikistan |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Tajikistan mobile |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Tanzania |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Tanzania mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
Thailand |
1.5 |
0843 716 2211 |
Thailand mobile |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Togo |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Togo mobile |
25.5 |
0913 153 2211 |
Tonga |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Trinidad and Tobago |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Trinidad and Tobago mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Tunisia |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Tunisia mobile |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Turkey |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Turkey mobile |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Turkmenistan |
8 |
0872 560 2211 |
Turks and Caicos |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Turks and Caicos mobile |
15.3 |
0913 150 2211 |
Tuvalu |
40.9 |
0913 156 2211 |
Uganda |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Uganda mobile |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Ukraine |
6 |
0872 548 2211 |
Ukraine mobile |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
United Arab Emirates |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
United Arab Emirates mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Uruguay |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Uruguay mobile |
13.1 |
0913 304 2211 |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
USA mobile |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Uzbekistan |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Uzbekistan mobile |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Vanuatu |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
Vatican City |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Venezuela |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Venezuela mobile |
18.4 |
0913 306 2211 |
Vietnam |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Vietnam mobile |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Virgin Islands British |
7 |
0872 549 2211 |
Virgin Islands United States |
1 |
0843 715 2211 |
Wallis and Futuna |
61.3 |
0913 159 2211 |
Yemen |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Yemen mobile |
10 |
0872 562 2211 |
Zambia |
4 |
0843 721 2211 |
Zambia mobile |
9 |
0872 561 2211 |
Zimbabwe |
5 |
0843 723 2211 |
Zimbabwe mobile |
30.6 |
0913 154 2211 |
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You are charged from the time of connection |
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BT apply a 12.5 pence (inc VAT) Call-Set-Up Fee to each call |
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Service provided by Planet Numbers Ltd |
Rates shown are what you would pay if you were a BT Residential customer on 10/08/2011 and include VAT. Individual call rates subject to change at any time. Rates for calls made from mobiles and other service providers may be higher. Click here for full Terms and Conditions.